Twitter was launched in 2006 and has since become one of the most popular websites in the world and a heavy hitter in the social media industry. It got the world communicating in a whole new way and sky-rocketed to the top. It is a free service that allows you keep in touch by way of exchanging short "tweets" about anything you want.
The one hundred forty character limit on message length was initially set for compatibility with SMS messaging, and has brought to the web the type of shorthand slang and notation commonly used in SMS messages. Also, the one hundred forty character limit has spurred the usage services for URL shortening. Twitter has also gained popularity as a way to make money online. The following are some money making opportunities that can be applied to Twitter:
* Create Twitter tools and application to sell. You can do this on your own or if you don't have the skills to accomplish it, you can simply hire a programmer to it for you. Create something that is very useful to people and they will pay for it. That is one way you can make money with Twitter.
* Look for tools that are already in use and further make them better. You can make quite a bit of money by piggy-backing on technology that is already in place. Even though someone has a modified application for Twitter, you can still carry out something they did not think of. You can build an application for a specific mobile phone that is trendy or some other amazing gadgets. The point here is to be artistic and inventive in what you are doing and you will make money from it.
* A few people will pay to tweet about certain things. A classic example is that of a company willing to pay a certain amount for tweets with reference to their website or products. See our home page for a list of popular websites that you can join for free and get paid for tweets.
* You can create more than one account for Twitter. If you are engaged in affiliate marketing, you can start new accounts centered around certain niches to help you out in promoting your products or website.
* Selling part of your Twitter background is another creative way to make money with Twitter. You can modify it and turn it into anything you want. There is no reason why you cannot have people to pay for ad space that you place on a particular part of it.
* Posting advertisements from other advertisers. This might be the easiest method for making profits on Twitter. You can earn money whenever someone clicks on the advertisement. It works similarly to other paid to click ads. Keep in mind that you must never spam or click on you own advertisement as you will probably be banned from the service.
There a lot of Twitter money making opportunities and those presented above are some of the more popular ones.
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